
About our events

Each month, we host a number of virtual social events where young adults living with MS can connect in a safe and supportive environment on Zoom. These events are relaxed and informal but only open to people aged 18-35 living with MS in the UK and Ireland.

Check out our Eventbrite

Welcome to MS Together

This event is aimed at people who are new to the MS Together community and allows them to introduce themselves, ask questions and find out about the services we offer. It’s also a great chance to meet other young adults living with MS in a safe and relaxed environment.

The event is usually held on a weekday evening for 1 hour but is a drop in session so there’s no need to stay for the full hour.

Time To Talk

This event is a drop in session where you can talk about anything on your mind. It’s a great chance to meet other young adults living with MS in a safe and relaxed environment.

The event runs for 45 minutes but is a drop in session so there’s no need to stay for the full time.

Let’s Connect

Connecting with others who live with MS can help us feel seen and supported. So why not join our Let’s Connect event? Simply grab a cup of tea and connect over specific topics related to young adults and MS in a relaxed space.

The event is ran by a qualified therapist, mental health practitioner, and facilitator. They will be there to manage the timings and structure of the group but will not offer any official therapeutic intervention.

The support group will last 1 hour with breaks and will offer people a chance to share their experiences, offer advice, and be heard.

MS Together Book Club

Every 6 weeks our Book Club events allow young adults living with MS to come together for an hour to connect with likeminded individuals. During the event attendees will discuss the previous months book, and to choose the next book.

Online Board Games Night

Connecting with others who live with MS can help us feel seen and supported. So if you’re looking to meet others and have some fun, join our Board Games Evening on the last Friday of every month.

It’s a relaxed event where members come together to play a variety of games on Discord such as Uno, Codenames, Sushi Go, and Saboteur.

What will I need to take part?

All you need to join is a laptop, tablet, phone or computer with a stable internet connection. You can join with or without your camera turned on – whatever you feel most comfortable with.

How do I find out about upcoming events?

Virtual educational webinars:

We also host a educational webinars covering topics affecting young adults. These events involve expert speakers and people with lived experience of MS. The events usually consist of informative talks followed by a Q&A session. These events are open to anyone affected by MS. Explore our upcoming events

What will I need to take part?

To join the meeting, you will need a laptop, tablet, phone or computer with a stable internet connection. You can join with or without your camera turned on – whatever you feel most comfortable with.

We will be using the platform zoom and the event will be recorded.

Watch our last webinar here on Healthy Lifestyle

In-person events:

In-person events are regularly organised at various locations across the UK. These events are relaxed, informal and accessible. Our events will always be held in fully accessible venues and we always aim to ensure that the chosen venue is as close as possible to accessible transport links.

Our in-person events are open to people aged 18-25 living with MS in the UK. However, attendees can request to bring a carer with them if required.

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