About Us
Here at MS Together, we want to make sure that no one has to face MS alone.
Here at MS Together we want to make sure that you don’t have to face MS alone.
We are a charity based in the UK and ROI. Our charitable purpose is to provide support services and advice for people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), with a particular focus on people aged 18 – 35 living with MS.
Our purpose
There are over 150,000 people in the UK living with MS, with 135+ people diagnosed each week.
Life with MS is different than it was two decades ago. New treatments have liberated young people, shifting their priorities and support needs. Over 2500 people under the age of 35 are diagnosed each year, making MS the most common disabling neurological condition of young adults. With this comes the need for new services tailored to the individual needs of young people with MS.
MS Together therefore exists to provide these services and ensure that young adults living with MS feel supported from the very start of their MS journey.
We understand that a diagnosis of MS is difficult at any age, but a diagnosis during your teens, 20s or early 30s brings specific challenges depending on where you find yourself. You could be finishing your exams, going to university, starting or changing your career, dating, starting a family, moving house, going travelling, and so much more. Everyone experiences MS differently but we know that around these big milestone events, it’s essential that people can access the support they need.
We provide a number of services for people affected by MS, but the majority of our services are targetted at people aged 18-35 living with MS in the UK. We offer private online support platforms, virtual social events and educational webinars and in-person events. We also offer 1-to-1 support sessions delivered by trained volunteers in Mental Health First Aid for anyone who needs extra support.
Ultimately, we want to empower people to share their stories, advocate for themselves and live their best lives, despite their MS. We’re determined to be there for you every step of the way – through the good and the bad times, because together we are stronger.

How we started
A note from the founder:
“Hi I’m Amy and I’m the founder of MS Together. I was diagnosed with MS just after my 21st birthday back in 2018. One of the first things I did was scroll endlessly on social media and charity websites trying to find people like me – people I could relate to. I wanted to hear about other people’s experiences and I needed to know that there were other young adults out there going through the same thing. Sadly, I felt like there was nobody my age openly talking about MS and I felt completely underrepresented as a young adult living with MS.
I began documenting my experience online through my platform ‘but you don’t look ill’ and people started reaching out to me. That’s basically where MS Together started – from a handful of friends to a community network full of likeminded individuals.
Today we offer a number of services to meet the needs of a variety of people affected by and living with MS and we hope to continue to develop and expand these services.”